Why Lenders Have Different Rates

Mortgage rates depend on several factors, and rates can vary by a home’s location, the borrower, as well as the lender. When lenders determine mortgage

When Do Mortgage Payments Start?

Closing is the last step when purchasing a property, and once you have finished all the required paperwork and paid for closing costs, you can

FHA vs Conventional Loans?

Are you ready to become a homeowner, but wondering what type of mortgage you should get to help you finance your property? You may qualify

Non-Qualifying Mortgages

Do you want to become a homeowner, but are worried that you may be unable to qualify for a mortgage because you have a nontraditional

Successfully Buy a Home Virtually

Are you interested in buying a home and considering buying it virtually before you have seen it? As the use of video technology continues to

Is Homeowners Insurance Necessary?

When buying a home, there are several costs associated with the purchase, and it can sometimes be confusing trying to understand all of the necessary